Extraordinary Women

Extraordinary Women
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There are women in history who are nothing short of phenomenal in their personal lives and their contributions to society. Donaldina Cameron rescued over 3,000 Chinese girls in early San Francisco. Emily Griffith brought practical education to men and women, boys and girls regardless of race, religion, ethnicity or ability to speak English in early Denver, Colorado. When my daughter, Lisa, began coaching basketball at Ball State in Muncie, Indiana in 2002, I discovered my favorite mode of travel to visit her was Amtrak. My planned and unplanned stops in Galesburg, Illinois resulted in my books, Mary Bickerdyke, Civil War Heroine and Harriet Beecher Stowe, who changed the way America thought about slavery with her book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Trips to Richmond, Indiana and Dayton, Ohio led me to the Overbeck Sisters and The Wright Women. Many of these women have slipped through the cracks of American history, and their fascinating stories need to be told!
Various books are also available in print and carried at stores in Flagstaff, Sedona, Grand Canyon, and throughout Northern Arizona.