Unbreakable Dolls of the Midwest: True Stories of Amazing Pioneer Women

Unbreakable Dolls of the Midwest contains six, short, individual eBooks about amazing women in one volume. Mary “Mother” Bickerdyke from Galesburg, Illinois made a difference to thousands of men and boys during the Civil War. The talented Overbeck Sisters of Cambridge City, Indiana wowed the world with their pottery and art. Harriet Beecher Stowe changed the way America thought about slavery with her book, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Susan and Katharine Wright of Dayton, Ohio were the most influential women in the lives of Wilbur and Orville Wright. Missionary Susie Collins was the first African American student at Upper Iowa University in Fayette, Iowa. You will never forget the miraculous escape of a slave named Rachel. Enjoy these stories of truly amazing women!

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