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Video: Liven up the dinner table with edible flowers from your garden!
When people gaze out over their lovely flower beds, they think of bouquets, sweet fragrance and beauty as they walk through their yards. Rarely do
VIDEO: Saving Seeds: For Fun, Profit and Posterity!
A number of years ago, our local master gardeners asked me to speak at their monthly meeting. I inquired, “Is there a particular topic you

VIDEO: Quick, easy, CLEAN, and very effective way to plant lettuce!
Lettuce is a super easy veggie to grow. Although it looks rather delicate, lettuce is super hardy. I plant early in the spring and it

Video: Keep those heat loving plants warm at night with PASSIVE SOLAR!
One of the biggest challenges here in the West is nighttime temps that drop to near or below freezing, even in June! The daytime temps

Video: Make a WATER HARVESTING system for your garden with a garbage can! Quick, easy and CHEAP!
Here in the arid Southwest, water is a precious commodity! It is in our best interest to save every drop. I love the water collection

Video: A Garden for Miss Mouse
In 2012 Marti arrived at my front door and handed me a book she had found. Marti said, “You need this more than I do.