When people gaze out over their lovely flower beds, they think of bouquets, sweet fragrance and beauty as they walk through their yards. Rarely do people think, “What’s for dinner? Flowers!” Yet, perennial and annual flowers bring a delightful mix of taste, texture, color and nutrition to the table. When I do mixed lettuce bags for my Farmstand, then add a variety of flowers, people go wild. I put nasturtiums, with their mix of yellow and oranges, for a peppery taste. Violas, violets, pansies or Johnny Jump-ups provide a sweet, nutty taste. Anything in the carnation family, such as dianthus with their bright shades of pinks, white and red are spicy. The mix delighted their family and friends too, as they put the salad mix into the bowl. Flowers can also adorn frosting, from the simple cupcake, to the wedding cake. A charcuterie tray can be sprinkled with flowers to add a touch of elegance. You can cook and bake with flowers too! This is not an exhaustive video on edible flowers, but it will give you some great ideas and inspire you to try it with some flowers from your own(or your neighbors:) yard.