Adventures on Amtrak: Historic Fred Harvey Hotel Castaneda–Las Vegas, New Mexico

I love riding Amtrak! For many years, I was so sad to see the beautiful, old Castaneda, Fred Harvey’s first of over 80 hotels across the country, in such a sad state of dilapidation! I was thrilled beyond belief when I heard it had been purchased and was going to be fully restored. This short eBook, about a 10 minute read, gives the story of the restoration of Castaneda, and what it is like to stay there, per the authors own delightful experience. The book features a number of photos, both inside and out, of the completed hotel.

What Reviewers are Saying

I enjoy the history of the Harvey girls and had enjoyed a tour and fine meal at La Posada, so I'm delighted to read about another Fred Harvey hotel making a comeback!

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