Video: Transplant Bare Root Cosmos ANYTIME for Instant Color in Your Summer Garden

Cosmos are a great addition to the summer garden! I especially like the Picotee Cosmos with their vibrant colors and unique combinations of stripped, splashed and edged in varying shades of white and pinks. I bought my original seeds from Pinetree Garden Seeds in Maine, but have been growing my own for several years. They are an annual which reseeds readily in most areas. Whether I plant a patch of them, or they come up on their own, I usually have more than I need and am forced to thin them out. I have discovered that they transplant beautifully at almost any stage. I move them to a bare spot, or where bulbs have just finished off. I like to put them near a young perennial that will be beautiful in a few years, but is looking a little insignificant now. The last few years I have been selling the bare root plants at my Farmstand to delighted customers who are amazed at the instant success! They can grow to nearly 6 feet, depending on soil and water, and rarely require any staking. They also make beautiful bouquets. The bight pink shades are a nice contrast to the over abundance of yellow and orange in the late summer garden. This short video will show you how to move them with little time or effort and replant them at your leisure.


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