One of my favorite plants is the geranium. Did you know they can live for decades? Learn how to keep them looking trim, neat and blooming year round. Also, learn how to propagate them with this hands on demonstration showing you exactly how to take cuttings or plant from seed.
Category: Gardening
Blog Post: Lenten Rose, Hellebore
A relatively new plant for me is the Lenten Rose, so named because of its early bloom time. An old heirloom plant, it was planted by the front door in the Middle Ages in Europe and Asia. It has become popular in the United States with the introduction of new colors, new patterns, double flowers […]
Blog Post: Daffodils
I love daffodils! Every spring, regardless of the weather they make a spectacular appearance bringing joy to everyone. Their bright yellow blooms herald the end, maybe, of winter. Daffodils are definitely the bulb of choice for the Intermountain West. As much as I love tulips, the leaves and flowers are a salad for Elk, Deer […]